
Candace Sams graduated from Texas A&M University with a BS in Agriculture, worked as a police officer with the State of Texas, did a brief stint with the Texas Department of Public Safety Undercover Narcotics Task force, and was also with the San Diego Police Department. She taught for the San Diego County Sheriff’s Department and worked in law enforcement in Alabama.
She has trained as the senior woman on the US Kung Fu Team and has been awarded the Medal of Putien from China and the Statue of Tao for her work in martial arts. She is the holder of several international martial arts titles. In 2000, she was one of a fifteen-member team – authorized by act of Senate – to represent this country as a martial art ambassador to mainland China. Experiences in law enforcement, martial arts (Shaolin Kung Fu) are frequently used in her career as an author – she is known for writing fight scenes into her fictional works. As an added note, Ms. Sams is also a Master Gardener and loves working outdoors. Sams is a USA Today Bestselling Author in multiple genres.
Hailing from Texas, Candace loves the country life. She and her husband live in a rural area of the US. A plethora of dogs and cats have adopted them. She loves to hear from readers and can be contacted through her website at Find her on ‘X’ (formerly Twitter) @CandaceSams, or on Facebook .

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